
I’ve always been a daydreamer, but my passion and loyalty for the things I love didn’t become obvious until Beatlemania gripped me in my early teens.

Life progressed, I became a dedicated nurse, a devoted mother, an obsessed midwife, and most recently, an addicted writer.

And now, I’m also an author.

Available on Amazon

Available on Amazon

Absent Children is a novel about birth.

Read more about it in My Books and sample the first three chapters here.

This site is a place for me to focus on my writing addiction, and my obsession with midwifery. Expect posts, thoughts, ideas, and opinions about both subjects, plus book reviews, and hopefully open discussion with similar-minded people.

I’m a fan of powerful women, sad stories with uplifting endings, and newborn babies.

I also happen to love flowers, trees, the sea, birds, dogs, animals in general, and children. Sunshine makes me happy,  walking in the Australian bush ignites my spirit, and people feed my soul.

Stay tuned for updates on book number two, formerly known as The Mother in Me, currently titled Crystal’s Rainbow, or My Work in Progress!


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